Meet Cygnet - the new low-cost, embeddable, STM32L4-based MCU from Blues!
The new Airnote dashboard in action

Earlier this year we released the Airnote, a zero-configuration air quality monitoring device. Powered by the Notecard, and the Safecast network, the Airnote allows anyone who wants insight into their local air quality to purchase and deploy a device in minutes.

And today we’re announcing a new feature for all Airnote owners: an updated dashboard for quickly and easily viewing device readings.

The new Airnote dashboard in action For some background, the Airnote can measure weather metrics like air temperature and humidity, but also less common metrics, like the level of air pollutants you can’t see, such as PM2.5 and PM10.

With this dashboard update we’re giving Airnote users the ability to see this data, and to interpret it as well. For example, is your air quality good, moderate, or something you should be concerned about?

Knowing your air quality at a glance can help you make real-world decisions, like deciding if today is a good day for a long run, or determining if a nearby wildfire is affecting your area.

And because the Airnote is cellular connected and solar powered, you can find these answers for yourself in minutes with virtually zero setup—just plug in your Airnote and scan its QR code to see data right in your browser.

Trying the new dashboard

The new dashboard is available immediately for all Airnote users, and you can access it by scanning your Airnote’s QR code, and then clicking the dashboard link (shown below).

The location of the dashboard link
The Safecast-provided dashboard you might be familiar with is still available, and helpful for viewing device data over time. You can access it using the dashboard’s “View full data” link as shown below.

How to access the Safecast dashboard
Get started

So what are you waiting for? Scan your Airnote’s QR code, try the new dashboard out, and let us know what you think.

And if you don’t have an Airnote, there’s never been a better time to get one and join the Airnote community! We’re just getting started 🙂

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